Species composition of microorganisms in lower jaw fractures in surveyed patients
Ключевые слова:
oral cavity, mandibular fractures, microorganisms, microbiocenosisАннотация
The results of the examination of 72 patients with unilateral fractures, who were hospitalized in the clinic of surgical dentistry of the regional clinical hospital in Bukhara, were studied.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of inflammatory complications of mandibular fractures.
The microbial landscape of the oral cavity was represented by streptococci (97.7%), staphylococci (89.3%). The share of lactobacilli accounted for 48.5%. The frequency of occurrence of fungi of the genus Candida was 53.2%. Patients did not reveal opportunistic enterobacteria, diphtheroids, fusobacteria. The presence in the oral cavity of patients with fractures of the lower jaw led to a microbiological imbalance that increased in the dynamics of traditional treatment, and was manifested by a decrease in the number of symbionts and an increase in the sowing of opportunistic microorganisms.
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